Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Disclaimer: The following is my thoughts and opinions.  Since I am human, I can be wrong.
  • Rule #1 - Never assume you are 100% right and never assume you are 100% wrong
  • Rule #2 - don't be jerk
  • Rule #3 - when there is disagreement, assume the worst of your intentions and the best of the other persons intentions
Definition of Persecution

  • the act or practice of persecuting especially those who differ in origin, religion, or social outlook
  • the condition of being persecuted, harassed, or annoyed

Many of the Christians I know have a sense of being persecuted.  They miss saying "Merry Christmas".  They feel it is silly that you cannot pray at a public school event.  They believe they have to keep their faith to themselves because someone might be "offended" by the speaking of their beliefs.

My impression is that they look back to a "better time" where everyone went to church, everyone in their neighborhood was obviously a Christian and we did not have to worry about offending anyone else. 

I get that.  The world is different.  It is changing.  That change is not comfortable.

But that does not mean we are persecuted.

It is difficult to look at modern American culture and say, with a straight face, that white Christians are persecuted.  To me, that is like a millionaire telling someone scraping by on minimum wage how upset they are because they lost 10 bucks.  Christian's need to stop behaving like a wounded puppy.

The following is a paraphrase of a quote from an unknown author:

People are more comfortable with a flattering lie than an uncomfortable truth

Here is the uncomfortable truth that many of my Christian brothers and sisters do not want to accept - We cannot go back to the way it was.  Our world is going to continue to change whether we like it or not.  Digging in and fighting that change is fruitless.  If you do, you will succeed only in making enemies and driving people further and further from Christ.

We must change.  We must adapt.  We must keep our focus on Christ and listen for what He wants us to do.  What road does he want us to walk?  What is more important to Jesus - fighting to get back to the good ol' days or speaking the Good News to souls that need to be saved?

We know the answer.

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